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Monday, July 12, 2010


Nazi Rape "Research" on Jews and Gypsies

Although countless women were raped in the prison camps, some of the doctors would ask for healthy women for the purposes of raping them, cutting out their
reproductive organs and then murdering them. One such doctor was Dr. Hermann Stieve (1886-1952)of the Institute of Anatomy at the University of Berlin (3).

Dr. Stieve would request women for experiments claiming that he wanted to study
their bodies for anatomy (autopsies) and to see if their reproductive systems
could handle "stress" or if they were "weak" reproductive systems. When Dr. Stieve was granted his prisoners for his research, he would have the prison guards rape the Jewish and Gypsy women. Whether Dr. Stieve and others from the University of Berlin participated as well is unknown.

After the women had been raped, then were killed in the concentration camps and their bodies were given back to Dr. Stieve for the purposes of anatomical studies, mainly of the reproductive systems of the raped women. Dr. Stieve would claim to be tracing the path of sperm in the uterus and fallopian tubes of the raped women on the autopsies. In other cases he claimed to see if the reproductive organs could handle "stress" of being raped upon autopsy (2, 3, 4, 5).

Dr. Hermann Stieve actually published his "research" based on the rapes of the women and he claimed that because he had done autopsies on raped women, that supposedly all women were inferior to men and had "weak" reproductive systems that could "easily be injured."

After WWII, Dr. Stieve continued to teach anatomy at the University of Berlin and no charges were ever brought against him. He gave countless lectures to the students at the university about raping the women in the prison camps and "women's" weakness of their reproductive systems. Instead, the Berlin Charite Hospital honored Dr. Stieve on behalf of his research on women's reproductive systems. They awarded him with a bust/statue of him on the university and an entire lecture hall was named after him at the University of Berlin (1, 2, 4, 5).





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