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Saturday, January 8, 2011

Hunger needs to be made illegal



Anti-fat bias can be found in the educational system. When compared to a group of psychology students of the same age, a group of students training to become physical education (PE) teachers were more likely to display implicit anti-fat attitudes.[7]
One dangerous effect of anti-fat bias is the presence of this bias in healthcare professionals, whose biases could result in a lower quality of treatment for overweight patients. Even those medical professionals who specialize in the treatment of obesity have been found to have strong negative associations toward obese individuals.[8]
Anti-fat bias can also be found at an early age. Preschool-aged children reported a preference for average-sized children over overweight children as friends.[9] As a consequence of anti-fat bias, overweight individuals often find themselves suffering repercussions in many facets of society, including legal and employment issues.[...]

PS: I wish death upon my childhood family doctor, I hate you so much it's unspeakable, you fucking fascist retarded piece of nazi cuntshit I forgot your name cuz its not worth remembering. I pray that you have many many more sleepless nights and a fatal heart attack caused by all those obese fatsos that bring money to your clinic. Amen.


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