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Sunday, October 2, 2011

hold me

[...]Most people desire occasional physical intimacy, which is a natural part of human affectivity, and research has shown it has health benefits. A hug or touch can result in the release of oxytocin, dopamine, and serotonin, and in a reduction in stress hormones.[citation needed] A lack of physical intimacy can lead to increased feelings of loneliness.[...]
In private, people in an intimate relationship or who are familiar with each other are more at ease with physical intimacy and display of affection, which can involve:
  • Sitting on or lying against the other person or resting their head on the other's shoulder, lap, breast, chest, etc.
  • Caressing (petting) or gently stroking body parts or hair with a hand
  • Tickling
  • Massaging someone's back, legs or feet or other part.
  • Sexual intercourse
  • Rubbing or patting someone's belly, mostly for babies
  • Patting the buttocks or swatting the back or upper arm
  • Tapping the legs


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