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Thursday, July 7, 2011

Can't wait to see Otto Fuck Kernberg standing trial for high treason live on TV

Furthermore, it's his fault that good christian families like the MAnthony's didn't have to undergo adequate family therapy for their borderline behavior. This would have saved them all. Skills, skills, skills....Universal healthcare.
If you're not willing to contribute anything good to this world, maybe it's wiser to leave or at least be kept in a safe place where you can't do any more harm.
It's about time to show up, ya old jerk! I know I'm not the only one who sees the light shining through as those Nazis go down one by one.
and what I am going to say next you probably will not like, this requires self-discipline on the media instead of being exploited by terrorism and I am referring here to the work of Hugo Neira,a Peruvian sociologist who has studied in great detail the relationship between terrorist expansion and media. I think we are seeing this in this country. It requires a reduction and control of civil liberties, sufficiently so to be able to get to the terrorist but not so much so to change the democratic nature of the state. And that is the main political decision. How much do you have to restrict individual civil liberties to be able to defeat the terrorists? What are the limits of censorship? To what extent do you need this censorship? And when is it justified?
Dictatorships have no problem in suppressing terrorist regimes, which…..
exploded after democracy in Spain, exploiting the freedom the democracy gave.

I think we are faced with a need to limit the kinds of freedoms to which we are traditionally accustomed. As part of a war that will not be ended with massive bombings of Afghanistan but will involve many silent quiet terrorist operations, financial control, political pressure of perhaps also the need to destabilize one or another regime in the Middle East. I don’t have the time to give you the rationale for that… but I thought I should put my cards on the table to give you a chance for argument. I said the same thing in Colombia that the FARC had to be defeated militarily and there was a hushed silence from the thousand people in the room. Nobody said a word and then people came to me massively in the corridors to express their agreements. And I asked why didn’t you say this so publicly and they said it’s dangerous to say this in public. http://theapm.org/cont/Kernbergtext.html
  • Stage 5: Consolidation of superego and ego integration
In this stage ego, superego and id are consolidated in definite intrapsychic structures.
By successfully completing all the developmental tasks, the child has developed a neurotic personality organization, which is the strongest personality structure.[...]
Hahaha. LMAOROTF. Nice try, Otto!


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