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Monday, January 31, 2011

Kiss me, if you want to wake up to that face every morning!

Sunday, January 30, 2011

Venus - before and afer the binge

Saturday, January 29, 2011

body dysmorphic disorder



Common symptoms of BDD include:
  • Obsessive thoughts about (a) perceived appearance defect(s).
  • Obsessive and compulsive behaviors related to (a) perceived appearance defect(s) (see section below).
  • Major depressive disorder symptoms.
  • Delusional thoughts and beliefs related to (a) perceived appearance defect(s).
  • Social and family withdrawal, social phobia, loneliness and self-imposed social isolation.
  • Suicidal ideation.
  • Anxiety; possible panic attacks.
  • Chronic low self-esteem.
  • Feeling self-conscious in social environments; thinking that others notice and mock their perceived defect(s).
  • Strong feelings of shame.
  • Avoidant personality: avoiding leaving the home, or only leaving the home at certain times, for example, at night.
  • Dependent personality: dependence on others, such as a partner, friend or family.
  • Inability to work or an inability to focus at work due to preoccupation with appearance.
  • Decreased academic performance (problems maintaining grades, problems with school/college attendance).
  • Problems initiating and maintaining relationships (both intimate relationships and friendships).
  • Alcohol and/or drug abuse (often an attempt to self-medicate).
  • Repetitive behavior (such as constantly (and heavily) applying make-up; regularly checking appearance in mirrors; see section below for more associated behavior).
  • Seeing slightly varying image of self upon each instance of observing a mirror or reflective surface.
  • Perfectionism (undergoing cosmetic surgery and behaviours such as excessive moisturising and exercising with an aim to create an unattainable but ideal body and reduce anxiety).
  • Note: any kind of body modification may change one's appearance. There are many types of body modification that do not include surgery/cosmetic surgery. Body modification (or related behavior) may seem compulsive, repetitive, or focused on one or more areas or features that the individual perceives to be defective.

Compulsive behaviors

Common compulsive behaviors associated with BDD include:
  • Compulsive mirror checking, glancing in reflective doors, windows and other reflective surfaces.
  • Alternatively, an inability to look at one's own reflection or photographs of oneself; also, the removal of mirrors from the home.
  • Attempting to camouflage the imagined defect: for example, using cosmetic camouflage, wearing baggy clothing, maintaining specific body posture or wearing hats.
  • Use of distraction techniques: an attempt to divert attention away from the person's perceived defect, e.g. wearing extravagant clothing or excessive jewelry.
  • Excessive grooming behaviors: skin-picking, combing hair, plucking eyebrows, shaving, etc.
  • Compulsive skin-touching, especially to measure or feel the perceived defect.
  • Becoming hostile toward people for no known reason, especially those of the opposite sex, or same sex if same-sex attracted.
  • Seeking reassurance from loved ones.
  • Excessive dieting or exercising, working on outside appearance.
  • Self-harm
  • Comparing appearance/body parts with that/those of others, or obsessive viewing of favorite celebrities or models whom the person suffering from BDD wishes to resemble.
  • Compulsive information-seeking: reading books, newspaper articles and websites that relate to the person's perceived defect, e.g. hair loss or being overweight.
  • Obsession with plastic surgery or dermatological procedures, often with little satisfactory results (in the perception of the patient).
  • In extreme cases, patients have attempted to perform plastic surgery on themselves, including liposuction and various implants with disastrous results.
  • Excessive enema use (if obesity is the concern).[...]http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Body_dysmorphic_disorder

Friday, January 28, 2011

the cookie count counts every cookie

Thursday, January 27, 2011

Stop the Holocaust of gay people!

‘Corrective rape’, the vicious practice of raping lesbians to ‘cure’ their sexuality, is a crisis in South Africa.

Millicent Gaika, pictured above, was bound, strangled, and repeatedly raped in an attack last year. But brave South African activists are risking their lives to ensure that Millicent’s case sparks change. Their appeal to the Minister of Justice has exploded to over 140,000 signatures, forcing him to respond on national television.

If enough of us join in to amplify and escalate this campaign, we could help get urgent action to end 'corrective rape'. Let's call on President Zuma and the Minister of Justice to publicly condemn ‘corrective rape’, criminalise hate crimes, and lead a critical shift against rape and homophobia. Sign the petition now and share it with everyone.http://www.avaaz.org/en/stop_corrective_rape/?कॉपी

5 points is a D

Wednesday, January 26, 2011


[...] „Die psychiatrische Krankenversorgung ist grundsätzlich ein Teil der allgemeinen Medizin. Demgemäß muß das System der psychiatrischen Versorgung in das bestehende System der allgemeinen Gesundheitsvorsorge und -fürsorge integriert werden. Dem seelisch Kranken muß prinzipiell mit dem gleichen Wege wie dem körperlich Kranken optimale Hilfe unter Anwendung aller Möglichkeiten ärztlichen, psychologischen und sozialen Wissens gewährleistet werden.“[...]http://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Psychiatrie-Enqu%C3%AAte

Tuesday, January 25, 2011


Monday, January 24, 2011

The world is in deep need of a long period of communicationism and solutionism

Sunday, January 23, 2011

homophobe sexist racist nazi dogtors should be marked with a badge of shame,

a mandatory orange hazard symbol on their chest clearly visible for all to see! And if they refuse to switch over to alternative medicine which holds humanity at its very core and seeks to cure any illnesses and diseases, then we send them to a reeducation camp where they will learn more about it.

Saturday, January 22, 2011

When empirical data hits your bull's eye


The term empirical was originally used to refer to certain ancient Greek practitioners of medicine who rejected adherence to the dogmatic doctrines of the day, preferring instead to rely on the observation of phenomena as perceived in experience. Later empiricism referred to a theory of knowledge in philosophy which adheres to the principle that knowledge arises from experience and evidence gathered specifically using the senses. In scientific use the term empirical refers to the gathering of data using only evidence that is observable by the senses or in some cases using calibrated scientific instruments. What early philosophers described as empiricist and empirical research have in common is the dependence on observable data to formulate and test theories and come to conclusions.[...]

[...]Scientific research

Accurate analysis of data using standardized statistical methods in scientific studies is critical to determining the validity of empirical research. Statistical formulas such as regression, uncertainty coefficient, t-test, chi square, and various types of ANOVA (analyses of variance) are fundamental to forming logical, valid conclusions. If empirical data reach significance under the appropriate statistical formula, the research hypothesis is supported. If not, the null hypothesis is supported (or, more correctly, not rejected), meaning no effect of the independent variable(s) was observed on the dependent variable(s).

It is important to understand that the outcome of empirical research using statistical hypothesis testing is never proof. It can only support a hypothesis, reject it, or do neither. These methods yield only probabilities.

Among scientific researchers, empirical evidence (as distinct from empirical research) refers to objective evidence that appears the same regardless of the observer. For example, a thermometer will not display different temperatures for each individual who observes it. Temperature, as measured by an accurate, well calibrated thermometer, is empirical evidence. By contrast, non-empirical evidence is subjective, depending on the observer. Following the previous example, observer A might truthfully report that a room is warm, while observer B might truthfully report that the same room is cool, though both observe the same reading on the thermometer. The use of empirical evidence negates this effect of personal (i.e., subjective) experience.

Ideally, empirical research yields empirical evidence, which can then be analyzed for statistical significance or reported in its raw form.[...]

RCT=nazi human experimentation


Pro-industry findings in industry-funded RCTs

Some RCTs are fully or partly funded by the health care industry (e.g., the pharmaceutical industry) as opposed to government, nonprofit, or other sources. A systematic review published in 2003 found four 1986-2002 articles comparing industry-sponsored and nonindustry-sponsored RCTs, and in all the articles there was a correlation of industry sponsorship and positive study outcome.[63] A 2004 study of 1999-2001 RCTs published in leading medical and surgical journals determined that industry-funded RCTs "are more likely to be associated with statistically significant pro-industry findings."[64] One possible reason for the pro-industry results in industry-funded published RCTs is publication bias.[...]http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Randomized_controlled_trial

Friday, January 21, 2011

The 110-minute commercial for menstrual pads with n.p. and a.k. is darling and a hit!

You go guys, without any strings!

german dogtors in struggle

A few days after his arrival at the castle a secret message was transmitted to Operation Alsos, an Anglo-American team of experts, whose order was to investigate the state of German and Italian weapons technology towards end of war:
"In 1943 Blome was studying bacteriological warfare, although officially he was involved in cancer research, which was however only a camouflage. Blome additionally served as deputy health minister of the Reich. Would like you to send investigators?"
Blome admitted that he had been ordered in 1943 to experiment with plague vaccines on concentration camp prisoners. He was tried at the Doctors' Trial in 1947 on charges of practicing euthanasia and conducting experiments on humans. Although acquitted, his earlier admissions were well known, and it was generally accepted that he had indeed participated in the experiments (there is evidence that Blome experimented with Sarin gas on Auschwitz prisoners).
As Plenipotentiary for Cancer Research in the Third Reich, Blome had a longstanding interest in the "military use of carcinogenic substances" and cancer-causing viruses. According to Ute Deichmann's book Biologists under Hitler, in 1942 he became director of a unit affiliated with the Central Cancer Institute at the University of Posen, which is now in Poland. Although he claimed that the work at this institute involved only "defensive" measures against biological weapons, Heinrich Himmler, Hermann Goering and Erich Schumann, head of the Wehrmacht's Science Section, strongly supported the offensive use of chemical and biological weapons against Britain, the Soviet Union and the United States.
Blome worked on methods of storage and dispersal of biological agents like plague, cholera, anthrax and typhoid, and also infected prisoners with plague in order to test the efficacy of vaccines. Eduard May, director of the SS Institute for Practical Research in Military Science, collaborated with him in experiments on "the artificial mass transmission of the Malaria parasite to humans", with infected mosquitoes dropped from planes. Blome also worked on aerosol despersants and methods of spraying nerve agents like Tabun and Sarin from aircraft, and tested the effects of these gases on prisoners at Auschwitz.[...]

Thursday, January 20, 2011

Orthomolecular psychiatry



Proponents of orthomolecular psychiatry claim to have identified the causes of some psychiatric syndromes, in particular those that cause psychosis; according to orthomolecular proponents, testing for these causes guides diagnosis and treatment. Diagnostic measures and therapies commonly employed include "individual biochemical workup", fasting, identifying suggested allergies, dietary changes, megavitamin therapy, amino acids, and other so-called "pharmacologic nutrients".[5] These diagnoses have not been accepted by mainstream medicine.[11]

Specific conditions

Orthomolecularists claim that the causes of psychotic disorders include food allergy, hypoglycemia, hypothyroidism in the presence of normal thyroid values, heavy metal intoxications including those allegedly due to dental fillings, as well as several hypothesised conditions they call pyroluria, histadelia and histapenia.[5] These conditions are not recognized by the conventional medical community.[...]http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Orthomolecular_psychiatry

detox vs. botox



After creating and utilizing the "Budwig Protocol" on a number of patients, Budwig was "prosecuted by the medical establishment for malpractice" in Germany for having used flax oil on patients, even though they had untreatable cancers. Though there were many court cases filed against her, there were never any charges brought to bear, as she was acquitted each time.[9][...]

detox genius Dr. Kousmine


Theory about cancer

She sought to understand what would cause a tumor to form and invade healthy cells, but not how to destroy a tumor. After many extensive studies on mice, she came to the conclusion that cancer is a need of the organism to ward off a toxic aggression (1). Briefly put, Kousmine believed a tumor, first benign, then malignant, is just a particular form of a defense mechanism of the body. A tumor is not a freak and isolated accident, but a coherent reaction to a state of alarm. Her method focuses on how she believes a cancer can be disengaged from its source and made useless.

[edit] Basic treatment

"The measures that I recommend start to be effective after about two months, and develop their full benefits only after two years,"² Dr. Kousmine said.
Dr. Kousmine believed that by consuming RAW virgin vegetable oil, such as cold pressed flaxseed and sunflower oil rich in omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids and in vitamin E, it is possible to reduce the permeability of the intestinal membrane and to prevent toxins from invading the blood and overloading the kidneys and the liver, thus preventing the formation of a tumor and reducing the severity of any degenerative disease, like multiple sclerosis or rheumatoid arthritis.
She proclaimed the importance of organic sunflower oil and of whole grains. Her prescriptions for her patients included: Dr Johanna Budwig's Budwig Cream, a mixture of freshly ground cereals, flax and sunflower seeds, fruit, cold pressed sunflower or flaxseed oil and cottage cheese) along with essentials vitamins (C, E, F, etc.), alkalizing minerals to restore immunologic balance in ill patients, all of which she believed to be suffering from acidic blood, chamomile enemas for colon cleansing followed by an instillation of cold pressed sunflower oil, and in some cases vaccines she believed could be effective against rheumatoid arthritis.
"If the patient is too ill, it is better to prepare him for surgery over a few weeks or months with the described measures. We then observe that the tumor stops growing, that it even shrinks in size, and that the general state of the patient improves, sometimes dramatically. Then, the result of delayed surgery or radiotherapy can be excellent."''³
There is no evidence that diet can prevent the development of a cancer which has been already diagnosed, and for the best results orthodox medical treatment needs to occur as quickly as possible.[...]http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Catherine_Kousmine

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

stereo sound buffer



Cholesterol is required to build and maintain membranes; it modulates membrane fluidity over the range of physiological temperatures. The hydroxyl group on cholesterol interacts with the polar head groups of the membrane phospholipids and sphingolipids, while the bulky steroid and the hydrocarbon chain are embedded in the membrane, alongside the nonpolar fatty acid chain of the other lipids. In this structural role, cholesterol reduces the permeability of the plasma membrane to protons (positive hydrogen ions) and sodium ions.[7]
Within the cell membrane, cholesterol also functions in intracellular transport, cell signaling and nerve conduction. Cholesterol is essential for the structure and function of invaginated caveolae and clathrin-coated pits, including caveola-dependent and clathrin-dependent endocytosis. The role of cholesterol in such endocytosis can be investigated by using methyl beta cyclodextrin (MβCD) to remove cholesterol from the plasma membrane. Recently, cholesterol has also been implicated in cell signaling processes, assisting in the formation of lipid rafts in the plasma membrane. In many neurons, a myelin sheath, rich in cholesterol, since it is derived from compacted layers of Schwann cell membrane, provides insulation for more efficient conduction of impulses.[8]
Within cells, cholesterol is the precursor molecule in several biochemical pathways. In the liver, cholesterol is converted to bile, which is then stored in the gallbladder. Bile contains bile salts, which solubilize fats in the digestive tract and aid in the intestinal absorption of fat molecules as well as the fat-soluble vitamins, Vitamin A, Vitamin D, Vitamin E, and Vitamin K. Cholesterol is an important precursor molecule for the synthesis of Vitamin D and the steroid hormones, including the adrenal gland hormones cortisol and aldosterone as well as the sex hormones progesterone, estrogens, and testosterone, and their derivatives.
Some research indicates that cholesterol may act as an antioxidant.[9][...]


Tuesday, January 18, 2011

clinging to tradition

Monday, January 17, 2011

mom interrupted

Sunday, January 16, 2011

Urea is my new anti-dandruff

Now I smell like pee and my hair is much darker, but it's definitely killing those crazy dandruffs! Wow! Fantastic I love it! Fuck blonde!
Urea or carbamide is an organic compound with the chemical formula (NH2)2CO. The molecule has two amine (-NH2) groups joined by a carbonyl (C=O) functional group.
Urea serves an important role in the metabolism of nitrogen-containing compounds by animals and is the main nitrogen-containing substance in the urine of mammals. It is solid, colourless, and odorless (although the ammonia which it gives off in the presence of water, including water vapor in the air, has a strong odor). It is highly soluble in water and non-toxic. Dissolved in water it is neither acidic nor alkaline. The body uses it in many processes, most notably nitrogen excretion. Urea is widely used in fertilizers as a convenient source of nitrogen. Urea is also an important raw material for the chemical industry. The synthesis of this organic compound by Friedrich Wöhler in 1828 from an inorganic precursor was an important milestone in the development of organic chemistry, as it showed for the first time that a molecule found in living organisms could be synthesized in the lab without biological starting materials.[...]


Medical use

Urea is used in topical dermatological products to promote rehydration of the skin. If covered by an occlusive dressing, 40% urea preparations may also be used for nonsurgical debridement of nails. This drug is also used as an earwax removal aid.
Certain types of instant cold packs (or ice packs) contain water and separated urea crystals. Rupturing the internal water bag starts an endothermic reaction and allows the pack to be used to reduce swelling.
Like saline, urea injection is used to perform abortions.
Urea is the main component of an alternative medicinal treatment referred to as urine therapy.
The blood urea nitrogen (BUN) test is a measure of the amount of nitrogen in the blood that comes from urea. It is used as a marker of renal function.
Urea labeled with carbon-14 or carbon-13 is used in the urea breath test, which is used to detect the presence of the bacteria Helicobacter pylori (H. pylori) in the stomach and duodenum of humans, associated with peptic ulcers. The test detects the characteristic enzyme urease, produced by H. pylori, by a reaction that produces ammonia from urea. This increases the pH (reduces acidity) of the stomach environment around the bacteria. Similar bacteria species to H. pylori can be identified by the same test in animals such as apes, dogs, and cats (including big cats).[...]

Saturday, January 15, 2011

The real reason why men need women

This is what happens to you while you're dreaming about angels all day.

Friday, January 14, 2011

NYR: More salt, less sugar



As well as the familiar uses of salt in cooking, salt is used in many applications, from manufacturing pulp and paper, to setting dyes in textiles and fabric, to producing soaps, detergents, and other bath products. It is the major source of industrial chlorine and sodium hydroxide, and used in almost every industry.
Sodium chloride is sometimes used as a cheap and safe desiccant because it appears to have hygroscopic properties, making salting an effective method of food preservation historically; the salt draws water out of bacteria through osmotic pressure, keeping it from reproducing, a major source of food spoilage. Even though more effective desiccants are available, few are safe for humans to ingest.[...]

Thursday, January 13, 2011

I love to hate Sigmund Freud

Anal retentive

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The term anal retentive (also anally retentive), commonly abbreviated to anal, is used conversationally to describe a person who pays such attention to detail that the obsession becomes an annoyance to others, and can be carried out to the detriment of the anal-retentive person. The term derives from Freudian psychoanalysis.

[edit] Origins

In the psychology of Freud, the anal stage is said to follow the oral stage of infant or early-childhood development. This is a time when an infant's attention moves from oral stimulation to anal stimulation (usually the bowels but occasionally the bladder), usually synchronous with learning to control their excretory functions, a time of toilet training. Freud theorized that children who experience conflicts during this period of time may develop "anal" personality traits, namely those associated with a child's efforts at excretory control: orderliness, stubbornness, a compulsion for control,[1] as well as a generalized interest in collecting, possessing, and retaining objects.[2]
If these qualities continue into later life, the person is said to be "anal retentive". Conversely, those who reject anal characteristics are said to have "anal expulsive" personality types.
Although Freud's theories on early childhood have been influential on the psychological community, research suggests that the overall pattern of parental attitudes has a much more concrete effect on how an infant will grow up. There is no conclusive research linking anal stage conflicts with anal personality types.[3] [...]
Anal expulsive
The term anal expulsive refers to a personality trait present in people fixated in the anal stage of psychosexual development.

In the psychology of Freud, the anal stage is said to follow the oral stage of infant/early-childhood development. This is a time when an infant's attention moves from oral stimulation to anal stimulation (usually the bowels but occasionally the bladder), usually synchronous with learning to control their excretory functions, a time of toilet training. For a child in this stage of development, control of bowel movements is the stage at which the child can express autonomy by withholding, refusing to comply, or soiling himself or herself.[1] Conflicts with parents regarding toilet training can produce a fixation in this stage, which can manifest itself in adulthood by a continuation of erotic pleasure in defecation.[2]

An anal expulsive personality is broadly defined as exhibiting cruelty, emotional outbursts, disorganization, self-confidence, (sometimes) artistic ability, generosity, rebelliousness and general carelessness.[2][3]

The anal stage is the second of five stages of psychosexual development.[...]

In 1908, Sigmund Freud named what is now known as obsessive–compulsive or anankastic personality disorder "anal retentive character". He identified the main strands of the personality type as a preoccupation with orderliness, parsimony (frugality), and obstinacy (rigidity and stubbornness). The concept fits his theory of psychosexual development.

Since the early 1990s, considerable new research continues to emerge into OCPD and its characteristics, including the tendency for it to run in families along with eating disorders[24] and even to appear in childhood.[25][...]


Wednesday, January 12, 2011

bubbling on

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

You have voted (paid off those actors)! The top 10 Hollywood thrillers of all times are:

  1. BMI=13
  2. IQ=0
  3. My dog has 3.5 eyes
  4. A popcorn just fell out of my hand
  5. My wife only poops once every 3 weeks
  6. The Gym
  7. The Sweat
  8. The Gym strikes back
  9. Asleep at the Soap Opera
  10. The Cabinet of Dr. Kilocalorie
Congratulations! Yawn...

Monday, January 10, 2011

Give Pigs a chance!

She says "Love was made for you and me".

Sunday, January 9, 2011

heterosexual dogters support and recommend the Dr. Pro-Ana cleanse

Saturday, January 8, 2011

Hunger needs to be made illegal



Anti-fat bias can be found in the educational system. When compared to a group of psychology students of the same age, a group of students training to become physical education (PE) teachers were more likely to display implicit anti-fat attitudes.[7]
One dangerous effect of anti-fat bias is the presence of this bias in healthcare professionals, whose biases could result in a lower quality of treatment for overweight patients. Even those medical professionals who specialize in the treatment of obesity have been found to have strong negative associations toward obese individuals.[8]
Anti-fat bias can also be found at an early age. Preschool-aged children reported a preference for average-sized children over overweight children as friends.[9] As a consequence of anti-fat bias, overweight individuals often find themselves suffering repercussions in many facets of society, including legal and employment issues.[...]

PS: I wish death upon my childhood family doctor, I hate you so much it's unspeakable, you fucking fascist retarded piece of nazi cuntshit I forgot your name cuz its not worth remembering. I pray that you have many many more sleepless nights and a fatal heart attack caused by all those obese fatsos that bring money to your clinic. Amen.

Friday, January 7, 2011

Hunger is the cheapest drug


Signs and symptoms of neuroglycopenia


Thursday, January 6, 2011

upper love

Wednesday, January 5, 2011


Tuesday, January 4, 2011

It's about time to finally open a present!

Monday, January 3, 2011

mano cornuta

Sunday, January 2, 2011

Delightful: A fat naked 'Berliner' just covered with a blanket of icing sugar waiting there to be eaten

Saturday, January 1, 2011

Happy new bear and make a super fresh start in the fantastic new yeah!