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Thursday, March 31, 2011

Wallbuilders (wasn't this the 'Masons' once?)

should help build a wall around the leaking reactors in Fukushima to protect the American Nation from nuclear fallout and oceanwater and everyone who lives in it.
If they were really right and truthful, that's what they would do!
In reality, they don't give a damn about any people at all. They'd better keep their mouths shut and pull those mountains of bullshit they produce back up their arses!

Men struggle for their existence, women struggle for attention.

Pinkiraffe warns.

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Now this wedding ring looks like ass!

Which woman wants to wear one of these for the rest of her loaf life?
Plutonium and hydrogen the holy tritium+Dick are going to be an explosive couple trouble. Not the best match for my taste. :(
Oh, and by the way, all of these components can be produced/found in an average reactor. Here we go.
Nuclear power sucker plant=proliferation of wmd!

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

The ten condamnents for dummies

  1. Thou shall suck dick.
  2. Thou shall be blind and ignorant.
  3. Thou shall serve.
  4. Thou shall shut up.
  5. Thou shall not work.
  6. Thou shall blame yourself.
  7. Thou shall kill or not.
  8. Thou shall cheat and betray.
  9. Thou shall steal and envy.
  10. Thou shall lie.

Monday, March 28, 2011

the power of Uranism


The taxonomy of Uranismus

  • Urningin (or occasionally the variants Uranierin, Urnin, and Urnigin): A female-bodied person with a male psyche, whose main sexual attraction is to women.
  • Urning: A male-bodied person with a female psyche, whose main sexual attraction is to men.
  • Dioningin: A "normal" (heterosexual and feminine) woman.
  • Dioning : A "normal" (heterosexual and masculine) man.
  • Uranodioningin: A female bisexual.
  • Uranodioning: A male bisexual.
Urningthum, "male homosexuality" (or urnische Liebe, homosexual love) was expanded with the following terms:
  • Mannlinge: very masculine, except for feminine psyche and sex drive towards effeminate men ("butch gay")
  • Weiblinge: feminine in appearance, behaviour and psyche, with a sex drive towards masculine men ("queen")
  • Manuring: feminine in appearance and behaviour, with a male psyche and a sex drive towards women ("feminine straight man")
  • Zwischen-Urning: Adult male who prefers adolescents. ("pederast", "hebephile")
  • Conjunctive, with tender and passionate feelings for men
  • Disjunctive, with tender feelings for men but passionate feelings for women ("metrosexual")
  • Virilisierte Mannlinge: Male Urnings who have learned to act like Dionings, through force or habit ("straight-acting gay")
  • Uraniaster or uranisierter Mann: A dioning engaging in situational homosexuality (e.g. in prison or the military
Sounds much like Star Trek! Lol. Beam me up!

Sunday, March 27, 2011

Anti-gay terror in its many shoapes

Mother/Daughter Healing Seminar
This is the first of its kind—a safe place for mothers and daughters to gather and express love, regrets, joy, sorrow, anger and deep longings for one another. All mothers and daughters are welcome, regardless of your personal issue(s). You will be guided through a series of exercises to experience personal and relational breakthroughs. It is no longer necessary to maintain the walls that divide and separate you from one another. Come and experience the healing you desire!
 Exercises include:
  • Healing past wounds
  • Forgiving, understanding and accepting each other
  • Healthy female bonding
  • Learning about each other's love language
  • Mothers blessing daughters and daughters honoring mothers
Location: Healing Seminars are held at a hotel outside the Baltimore Washington International (BWI) Airport.Hotel information is given after you register for the seminar.
Time: Saturday and Sunday, from 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.
Dates: None for 2010

Individual $275
Mother/Daughter $450
Family of 3 $625
Additional Family Members $175
Please join us for a wonderful, life changing experience. We look forward to seeing you there.
Clinical and Developmental Issues of Lesbianism


The lesbian condition is complex in its origin and very diverse in its expression. The elements of the lesbian struggle vary in degree and intensity, as do the temperaments and personality types of the women. My clients present with a variety of Axis I and II disorders as well as unique stories and histories. Therefore, in my treatment of the lesbian client, I first and foremost want to meet and interact with the unique individual sitting in front of me. Lesbian women are intelligent and intuitive and can tell if I am truly "seeing" them or trying to squeeze them into a box or theory. I hold my models and theories loosely so I can meet the true person. I also want to encounter the "whole" woman, not just her lesbianism. I want to give her the message that she is more than her lesbian struggle. I want her to know that she is important, and I am not sitting with her simply because I think her sexual orientation needs fixing or that I can "fix" her.

As a therapist, I want to respect her human dignity. Many of my clients are not sure they want to totally resolve the lesbian conflict. The emotional aspect of their struggle seems to reach down into the very core of their being. It is often a long process for a woman to just define the struggle, let alone to begin to disidentify with it. Over six years ago, about two years into my practice, I decided to make a commitment to myself and to my clients that I would work with them regardless of where they are at in their decision to resolve the lesbian conflict. I agreed that I would not place demands or expectations on them with respect to their sexual struggle that would, in any way, condition or impede our ongoing work together. In other words, I have decided to be committed to them, wherever their journey leads, and to remain committed for the long haul. The "long haul" seems to be an average of 4-5 years of weekly to bimonthly appointments.

While there is much variation amongst lesbian women, there are still many notable themes that consistently emerge in their stories and struggles. I would like to highlight a few of those here.

Roots of Lesbianism
In broad sweeping terms, the roots of lesbianism can be discovered in four basic elements:

* A strained, detached or disrupted bond or attachment with mother without an available mother substitute, resulting in a need for secure attachment.
* A lack of respect and/or protection from men, often in the form of sexual abuse or rigid gender roles, resulting in a fear or hatred of men.
* Few, if any, close girlhood friendships, resulting in a need for belonging and fun.
* A sense of emptiness and lostness in lieu of a full and rich sense of self and identity as a feminine being, resulting in a need for a self and gender identity.

While the presence of these elements is not an absolute predictor or determinant of the lesbian struggle, they are nevertheless the most common and frequently reported facets of the lesbian story. These elements are generally sequential in order of development or experience, can be causal or predisposing for the subsequent element and are therefore interrelated. An adult woman actually cycles in and out of these elements and related needs as she acts out the lesbian bond in an attempt to repair the inherent dilemmas. Unfortunately, this "acting out" can actually intensify these predisposing conditions of lesbianism.

I would also like to suggest that there are some common innate characteristics shared by lesbian women. These would include an above average intelligence, strong sensitivity to hypocrisy and injustice, athleticism, natural draw to more stereotypically masculine interests, capacity to feel deeply and passionately. It is the combination of the above environmental factors and inherent characteristics that may eventually lead to a lesbian struggle.

Developmental Issues
To highlight the specific developmental issues that are present in most lesbian struggles, I wanted to share the research findings from an unpublished doctoral dissertation by Dr. Sheryl Brickner Camallieri. Dr. Camallieri used an instrument called the Measures of Psychosocial Development (MPD) to assess the developmental differences between 54 allegedly heterosexual and 54 allegedly homosexual women. The MPD measures the developmental resolution based on Erik Erikson's model of psychosocial development. The eight stages are listed below.

While Dr. Camallieri admits that the scope of her research does not establish the cause of the differences (which could be developmental or attributed to the social and political climate regarding lesbianism), "Of the 19 scales analyzed, six of the scales indicated a significant difference in the scores between the two groups of women" (p. 3). The heterosexual women scored significantly higher on the favorable resolution scales of Trust, Intimacy and Generativity (marked in squares below). The lesbian women scored significantly higher on the negative resolution of Identity Confusion and Stagnation and Total Negative Resolution (circled below).

I have since given this assessment to over 25 of my lesbian clients and continue to see extremely high identity confusion and stagnation scores as well as low trust and high mistrust scores. Additionally, there is another pattern that has emerged in my client's testing: relative to their other scores, the lesbian woman scores significantly high in the positive resolution of Initiative and/or Industry (also circled above). If we were to just consider the results of the MPD based on suggested methods of interpretation, we would conclude that these are women who feel very insecure and unsafe in their world; are unsure of others and doubt that anything good will last. They have used performance, competence and assertiveness in a compensatory fashion, probably to gain a sense of control, value and purpose. They hold no inherent value or clear identity and therefore have little capacity or motivation to sacrificially give to others. Emotionally, they remain in a depressed state of self-absorption. This is a fairly accurate description of the lesbian experience.

As you might guess, these developmental deficits and compensations coincide almost perfectly with the clinical themes in a lesbian's history.

A strained, detached or disrupted bond Mistrust
or attachment with mother without
an available mother substitute, resulting
in a need for secure attachment.

A lack of respect and/or protection from Initiative/Industry -
men, often in the form of sexual abuse assuming a toughened or
or rigid gender roles, resulting in a masculinized stance towards
fear or hatred of men. life and survival.

Few if any close girlhood friendships, Identity Confusion (solid-
resulting in a need for belonging and fun. ified during adolescence)

A sense of emptiness and lostness in lieu Stagnation
of a full and rich sense of self and identity
as a feminine being, resulting in a need
for a self and gender identity.

Specific treatment options need to take into consideration these developmental needs. Ultimately, treatment should start with the beginning issue of trust, move through the subsequent developmental issues with a major emphasis on identity formation and conclude when the woman is free to give, love and contribute to the betterment of the world.

Contrasts Between the Masculine and Feminine
I would now like to offer some framework around the differences between the male and female developmental journey in order to highlight the nuances of the lesbian struggle. I hope to also provide a framework for understanding the essence of the true masculine and feminine. It is essential to have some framework such as this if we are to help gender-confused clients.

Attachment and Identification
Boys and girls follow different developmental paths in terms of attachment and identification. Both boys and girls are to be initially attached to mom at birth. To develop healthily, a boy must move, strive and initiate to successfully separate from mom and ultimately attach and identify with dad. Homosexuality becomes a serious possibility when this step or process is frustrated or altogether missing for the boy. A girl on the other hand is supposed to remain and rest, so to speak, in an experience of ongoing or continuous connection. Figuratively speaking, she warmly rests secure at home with mom, to eventually receive dad who is to gently move towards her to offer his love, affirmation and protection.

Lesbianism initially becomes a possibility when this needed ongoing attachment with mom is absent, insufficient or undesirable. (Lesbianism becomes an even greater possibility if dad's movement is non-existent, abusive, or becomes masculinizing of his daughter.)
If for the girl, her initial attachment to mom is perceived to be weakened or broken, a type of homelessness is created for the girl that even the homosexual boy does not experience. In this way, the lesbian condition is more primal and perhaps more entrenched emotionally and psychologically than male homosexuality. The girl is essentially stripped of her most fundamental tether in the universe. There may be no greater trauma in a girl's life developmentally than one that interferes with her primal relationship with mom. Mom is not only the first bond and attachment for a little baby girl, but is the relational object with whom this little girl will form her first sense of self and eventually rely on to complete her identification process as a female.

Besides internalizing the insecurity that a break in this foundational relationship creates, the girl will activate or move in an effort to find the attachment for which she was designed and so desperately needs. She begins to follow the developmental path of a male, that is, moving, striving and initiating. Unfortunately, trust in others and her self is not adequately formed to support secure and meaningful connection or relatedness (this is the mistrust that the MPD measures). She is filled with a sense of aloneness and need that further fuels her movement and initiation to resolve her dilemma (herein lies the high initiative and industry scores on the MPD). Simply put, this emotional movement disrupts her normal growth and development and identification as a feminine being (identity confusion), not to mention the false paths such movement will uncover. Let me add another picture of gender differences.

Erikson Research on Preadolescent Play Constructions
In the 1940's Erik Erikson conducted research at Berkeley on preadolescent play constructions. While he wasn't specifically addressing gender differences in his study, Erikson was struck by the fact that when given a set of blocks, little boys and girls built different constructions of space.

The boys' construction looked something like the one below. The construction would also include such things as cars among the buildings and people atop the buildings. As one can see, boys seem to be naturally preoccupied with the outer world, nature, objects and things.

The girls' constructions tended to look like the picture below. The people sat close together and faced the inside of the room. Girls seem to be naturally preoccupied with the inner world of human relatedness, communication and connection.

Theological Perspective
Theologically, the creation story of Adam and Eve parallels Erik Erikson's findings and adds some important notions about the true masculine and feminine. First, Adam and Eve were created equal in terms of dignity, value, call and purpose. (To work with a lesbian successfully, you must truly believe and hold to this conviction.) They were to both Fill and Multiply - the realm of human relationship and Rule and Subdue - the realm of nature, animals and the earth (found in Genesis 1:27, New International Version). Second, they were created differently. Adam was created from the ground, was placed in the garden with the plants and animals and became very busy working, moving, initiating, ruling and subduing. Eve, on the other hand, was the only created being made from another living being. Her primal essence is one of human relatedness. She was immediately placed in front of Adam and became busy relating-being known and loved. Both Adam and Eve were needed to complete God's purposes for humanity, but it seems that their very origins and initial experiences point to difference and uniqueness.

True Femininity and the Inner World of Connectedness
Another way to look at these differences is seen in the complementary circles below. Perhaps the masculine (I believe gender is not merely a construct of socialization or learning processes but a fundamental and inherent aspect of our humanity) has a greater exterior strength of movement, initiation and courage to face and deal with the outer world but with an inner core of tenderness and compassion for human relatedness. It is this exterior strength, movement and confidence that homosexual men seemingly lack or struggle discovering.

Perhaps the true feminine means having an exterior that is inviting, restful and receiving with an inner core of solidness and strength of being and courage to face the complexities of another soul and the requirements of ongoing intimacy. Lisa Beamer (the wife of Todd Beamer who helped guide United Flight 93 away from human targets) is a great example of a woman with an inviting, restful exterior and a solid inner core. She was sad, but not crushed as she faced the tragedy of losing her husband. She was not fragile, wispy, whiney, needy, overly dependent but solid, strong, articulate, lovely.
The true feminine is not weak, but boasts of the strength, courage and power to be - to be present and connected with her own heart, emotions and thoughts and with another, even in the most difficult or tragic time. The true feminine can weather loneliness. Lisa can stand in the face of her husband's death because she has her self and many other vital relationships.

Lesbian women typically lack or struggle discovering and accepting both of these aspects as women. They are toughened and defended on the outside and sense emptiness and desperation on the inside. Their toughness defies their inner need and their inner need, which so often is expressed in terms of dependencies, speaks to the depth of their gender brokenness. They are not living out of the strength of the true feminine.

Of interest is the typical profile of the mother of a lesbian daughter. According to my clients, their mothers typically had no solid self or strength of character or integrity, regardless of how they presented on the outside. The mom of a lesbian struggler is a mom who:

- hid in bed under the covers when dad became abusive or rageful
- was mentally ill and relied on her daughter to continually talk her out of committing suicide
- didn't even know the basics of housekeeping let alone caring for a baby or child
- was a social butterfly and alcoholic leaving her little daughter alone and unsupervised
- was unable to separate from an abusive husband
- was a dutiful wife but a shell of a woman
- bragged incessantly about herself and kids, negating any negative feelings or experiences in her daughter
- hated being a woman, never shed a tear and despised her daughter
- was openly jealous of her daughter

These vignettes do not describe a woman who is solid in being and strength of heart. They describe a woman who is insecure, dependent, afraid of being alone, weak, lost and broken and underdeveloped in her own femininity. It is easy to understand why a daughter who has a sharp intellect, strong sense of justice and integrity, high energy level with deep passions might conclude that if becoming a woman means becoming like mom, she wants nothing to do with it. Unfortunately, in the girl's detachment and flight from femininity as portrayed by her mother, she too begins to live out a deep inner desolation and crisis of her true gender identity. She has had no "home" in which to develop or become. "I don't know who I am," "I hate being a woman," and "I don't know how I feel." Many of my clients feel and believe they are not women. This is not a symptom of a transgender struggle but is an indication of their alienation from their inherent design as a feminine being.

Emotional Dependency
To briefly summarize, healthy development for a girl first requires that she rests and remains in the warm and secure home of mother so that she can form and develop an inner home for herself - out of which she will live, express her strength and power, create, relate, connect, nurture, bring forth life, etc. Without this inner sense of home or a secure and solid sense of self and feminine identity, she will not have the capacity to enter into healthy intimacy. Yet she will live with a deep belief that she cannot be alone. Therefore, she is unconsciously driven or on the move to find a "home" or true "self" outside of her self.

This is the drive behind an emotionally dependent relationship. When another woman comes along that triggers a sense of familiarity or presents herself to be a strong and competent woman (unlike mom perhaps), the lesbian literally wants to lose herself in this woman, hoping to find rest, receive the care and nurture she craves and to finally appropriate, albeit vicariously, an identity. Emotional dependency is not an inordinate love but is the consequence of a woman's deep fear of and inability to sustain intimacy. The partner is not loved or known for who they truly are. It is the sense or illusion of warm connection or secure attachment that is desired. Sadly, the "emotional dependency," if sustained, will prevent a woman from any substantial healing or change. A woman does not need to lose herself (in another woman or man) but in fact, needs to find her true self and this goal should be the primary focus of therapy with the lesbian client.

Personality Disorders and Traits
It is this missing core and the accompanying restlessness that I believe leads to conflicts and struggles within the lesbian woman that qualify as full blown personality disorders and traits. The most common configurations I encounter in my practice generally include a depressed and/or dependent disorder with associated self defeating, avoidant and borderline disorders or traits. Depressed - empty, dejected, pessimistic, worthless and full of self and other centered contempt, dependent - needy to the point of desperate yet fearful of rejection, self defeating - negative, self pitying and hostile, and avoidant - defended and isolated. This list accurately describes the predominant characteristics of the average lesbian woman.

Effective Therapy for the Lesbian Client
Work with the lesbian will require a long-term commitment which will be tasking and draining but also rewarding if the client is highly motivated to change. The individual characterological profile must be considered and appropriately handled in therapy. Generally speaking, lesbian women are deeply conflicted. But remember, every woman you see will be unique in this regard. The general goal of therapy is to establish trust (this may be the first experience of trust for many clients) so that the client can accomplish the deep inner formation work, or as quoted by Elaine Siegel, "attainment of firmer inner structures," (Female Homosexuality: choice without volition, Hillsdale, NJ: The Analytic Press (1988)). The woman must come into her own. She must be able to embrace the breadth of her identity and humanity, her strengths and weaknesses, her glory and her shortcomings, her dreams, hopes and visions as well as her disappointments and losses. This process will involve among other things, extensive work in identifying, challenging and restructuring the woman's belief system regarding the world, God, others and herself. Lesbianism is supported by a complex system of distorted, negative and self-defeating beliefs. This system must be rebuilt. The client's defensive maneuvering and unhealthy attachments with women need to be addressed while the woman is being challenged to take risks with new and healthier relationships. Eventually she will need to deal with her opposite sex contempt and ambivalence and appropriate her own individual style of feminine relating.

In conclusion, because healing for the lesbian requires the establishment of her "home" so to speak, I believe that the most effective component of therapy with a female homosexual is the quality of the attachment and therapeutic relationship formed between female counselor and client. While there are many techniques that can be used to access deep unconscious conflicts and to teach cognitive truths and principles of healthy living and relationship, it is the consistency, faithfulness, caring and loving attitude of the counselor that begins to finally establish a solid center of trust and inner core or sense of being in the women we work with. It is as I love, accept and affirm my client that she can begin to unfold and continue to develop as a female being. In essence, I provide the home in which she can rest and simply become.[...]http://www.jonahweb.org/sections.php?secId=116

Saturday, March 26, 2011


Friday, March 25, 2011

Faster than light=death

Thursday, March 24, 2011

Erwin's wave - welcome to the maletrix

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

The holocaust was a result of a "spooky action at a distance"

Only a Nazi could think of something like this and make it into a big best-selling story!
Schrödinger's thought experiment must have served as a model for the construction all of the Nazis' gas chambers. Science means facts and needs no interpretations, interpretation is just a struggle for more facts!
[...] If one has left this entire system to itself for an hour, one would say that the cat still lives if meanwhile no atom has decayed. The psi-function of the entire system would express this by having in it the living and dead cat (pardon the expression) mixed or smeared out in equal parts. It is typical of these cases that an indeterminacy originally restricted to the atomic domain becomes transformed into macroscopic indeterminacy, which can then be resolved by direct observation. That prevents us from so naively accepting as valid a "blurred model" for representing reality. In itself, it would not embody anything unclear or contradictory. There is a difference between a shaky or out-of-focus photograph and a snapshot of clouds and fog banks.[...]http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Schr%C3%B6dinger%27s_cat

Monday, March 21, 2011

Einstein is my bi-tch

Boycott the apple! It's poison! Don't eat it!

Sunday, March 20, 2011

God=enough Energy for all

Most of us are not neutral in feeling, but, as human beings, we have to remember that, if the issues between East and West are to be decided in any manner that can give any possible satisfaction to anybody, whether Communist or anti-Communist, whether Asian or European or American, whether White or Black, then these issues must not be decided by war. We should wish this to be understood, both in the East and in the West. There lies before us, if we choose, continual progress in happiness, knowledge, and wisdom. Shall we, instead, choose death, because we cannot forget our quarrels? We appeal as human beings to human beings: Remember your humanity, and forget the rest. If you can do so, the way lies open to a new Paradise; if you cannot, there lies before you the risk of universal death.
We invite this Congress, and through it the scientists of the world and the general public, to subscribe to the following resolution:
"In view of the fact that in any future world war nuclear weapons will certainly be employed, and that such weapons threaten the continued existence of mankind, we urge the governments of the world to realize, and to acknowledge publicly, that their purpose cannot be furthered by a world war, and we urge them, consequently, to find peaceful means for the settlement of all matters of dispute between them."
    Max Born
    Percy W. Bridgman
    Albert Einstein
    Leopold Infeld
    Frederic Joliot-Curie
    Herman J. Muller
    Linus Pauling
    Cecil F. Powell
    Joseph Rotblat
    Bertrand Russell
    Hideki Yukawa [...]

Saturday, March 19, 2011

Operation nuclear meltdown

  • Take over radioactive power plants, rebuild them into solar power stations/research centers which seek to solve persisting problems such as:
  • Make leaking radioactivity accessible/convert/contain the energy
  • Thus prevent economic deficiency
  • Boost/ improve shields against unhealthy doses of radiation
  • Provide citizens/ the population with new information and technology at affordable prices
Nuclear weather forecast – nuclear climate crisis

Current uranium-fueled plants don’t even take advantage of the fuel’s actual radioactivity. If they did in fact use it properly, it wouldn’t be that dangerous and pose such a threat to the environment and it's inhabitants. Instead, electricity is generated in turbines from the amount of kinetic/thermal energy that’s released while the sticks actually react/burn similar to coal. That's perversion.
Hence, the term ‘nuclear power plant’ is obsolete. You can call it uranium oven.


Coal contains a small amount of radioactive uranium, barium, thorium and potassium, but, in the case of pure coal, this is significantly less than the average concentration of those elements in the Earth's crust. The surrounding strata, if shale or mudstone, often contain slightly more than average and this may also be reflected in the ash content of 'dirty' coals.[13][14] The more active ash minerals become concentrated in the fly ash precisely because they do not burn well.[14] The radioactivity of fly ash is about the same as black shale and is less than phosphate rocks, but is more of a concern because a small amount of the fly ash ends up in the atmosphere where it can be inhaled.http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Radioactive_waste
[...]Fly ash contains trace concentrations of heavy metals and other substances that are known to be detrimental to health in sufficient quantities. Potentially toxic trace elements in coal include arsenic, beryllium, cadmium, barium, chromium, copper, lead, mercury, molybdenum, nickel, radium, selenium, thorium, uranium, vanadium, and zinc.[...]http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fly_ash
[...]The faster a radioisotope decays, the more radioactive it will be. The energy and the type of the ionizing radiation emitted by a pure radioactive substance are important factors in deciding how dangerous it is. The chemical properties of the radioactive element will determine how mobile the substance is and how likely it is to spread into the environment and contaminate humans. This is further complicated by the fact that many radioisotopes do not decay immediately to a stable state but rather to a radioactive decay product leading to decay chains.[...]http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Radioactive_waste#Physics

Friday, March 18, 2011

God put uranium on the planet. It wasn't meant to be a plant, though!

Thursday, March 17, 2011

focussing on uncritical mass

The critical size is the minimum size of a nuclear reactor core or nuclear weapon that can be made critical for a specific geometrical arrangement and material composition. The critical size must at least include enough fissionable material to reach critical mass. If the size of the fissionable material is less than a certain minimum, fission neutrons escape through its surface and the chain reaction is not sustained. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Critical_size



Seven factors influence a criticality system.
Geometry or shape of the fissile material: If neutrons escape (leak from) the fissile system they are not available to interact with the fissile material to cause a fission event. Therefore the shape of the fissile material affects the probability of occurrence of fission events. A large surface area such as a thin slab has lots of leakage and is safer than the same amount of fissile material in a small, compact shape such as a cube or a sphere.
Interaction of units: Neutrons leaking from one unit can enter another. Two units, which by themselves are sub-critical, could interact with each other to form a critical system. The distance separating the units and any material between them influences the effect.
Reflection: When neutrons collide with other atomic particles (primarily nuclei) and are not absorbed, they change direction. If the change in direction is large enough, the neutron may travel back into the system, increasing the likelihood of interaction (fission). This is called ‘reflection’. Good reflectors include hydrogen, beryllium, carbon, lead, uranium, water, polyethylene, concrete, Tungsten carbide and steel.
Moderation: Neutrons resulting from fission are typically fast (high energy). These fast neutrons do not cause fission as readily as slower (less energetic) ones. Neutrons are slowed down (moderated) by collision with atomic nuclei. The most effective moderating nuclei are hydrogen, deuterium, beryllium and carbon. Hence hydrogenous materials including oil, polyethylene, water, wood, paraffin, and the human body are good moderators. Note that moderation comes from collisions; therefore most moderators are also good reflectors.
Absorption: Absorption removes neutrons from the system. Large amounts of absorbers are used to control or reduce the probability of a criticality. Good absorbers are boron, cadmium, gadolinium, silver, and indium.
Enrichment: The probability of a neutron reacting with a fissile nucleus is influenced by the relative numbers of fissile and non-fissile nuclei in a system. The process of increasing the relative number of fissile nuclei in a system is called enrichment. Typically, low enrichment means less likelihood of a criticality and high enrichment means a greater likelihood.
Mass: The probability of fission increases as the total number of fissile nuclei increases. The relationship is not linear. There is a threshold below which a criticality will not occur. This threshold is called the critical mass.[...]

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Spaceships to the rescue



Without the protection of the Earth's atmosphere, astronauts are exposed to higher levels of radiation from a steady flux of cosmic rays. The station's crews are exposed to about 1 millisievert of radiation each day, which is about the same as someone would get in a year on Earth, from natural sources.[195] This results in a higher risk of astronauts' developing cancer. High levels of radiation can cause damage to the chromosomes of lymphocytes. These cells are central to the immune system and so any damage to them could contribute to the lowered immunity experienced by astronauts. Over time lowered immunity results in the spread of infection between crew members, especially in such confined areas. Radiation has also been linked to a higher incidence of cataracts in astronauts. Protective shielding and protective drugs may lower the risks to an acceptable level, but data is scarce and longer-term exposure will result in greater risks.[36]
Despite efforts to improve radiation shielding on the ISS compared to previous stations such as Mir, radiation levels within the station have not been vastly reduced, and it is thought that further technological advancement will be required to make long-duration human spaceflight further into the Solar System a possibility.[195]
It should be noted, however, that the radiation levels experienced on ISS are not excessively greater than those experienced by airline passengers. The Earth's electromagnetic field provides almost the same level of protection against solar and other radiation in low Earth orbit as in the stratosphere. Airline passengers, however, experience this level of radiation for no more than 15 hours for the longest transcontinental flights (London-Sydney or Chicago-Delhi). For example, on a 12 hour flight from Boston to Beijing, an airline passenger would experience 0.1 millisievert of radiation, or a rate of 0.2 millisieverts per day, only 1/5th the rate experienced by an astronaut in LEO.[...]http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ISS#Radiation

cheap laborers seen today at the Anti-Fraud Office for illegal immigrants from China

It also seemed that, China had hardly known high security forensic institutions until 1989.[93]:243 However, since then, the Chinese authorities have constructed the entire network of special forensic mental hospitals called Ankang which in Chinese is for ‘Peace and Health.’[93]:243 By that time, China had had 20 Ankang institutions with the staff employed by the Ministry of State Security.[93]:243 The psychiatrists who worked there were wearing uniforms under their white coats.[93]:243
The political abuse of psychiatry in China seems to take place only in the institutions under the authority of the police and the Ministry of State Security but not in those belonging to other governmental sectors.[93]:243 Psychiatric care in China falls into four sectors that hardly connect up with each other.[93]:243 These are Ankang institutions of the Ministry of State Security; those belonging to the police; those that fall under the authority of the Ministry of Social Affairs; those belonging to the Ministry of Health.[93]:243 Both the sectors belonging to the police and the Ministry of State Security are the closed sectors, and, consequently, information hardly ever leaks out.[93]:243 In the hospitals belonging to the Ministry of Health, psychiatrists do not contact with the Ankang institutions and, actually, had no idea of what occurred there, and could, thereby, sincerely state that they were not informed of political abuse of psychiatry in China.[93]:243
In China, the structure of forensic psychiatry was to a great extent identical to that in the USSR.[93]:243 On its own, it is not so strange, since psychiatrists of the Moscow Serbsky Institute visited Beijing in 1957 to help their Chinese ‘brethren’, the same psychiatrists who promoted the system of political abuse of psychiatry in their own USSR.[93]:243 As a consequence, diagnostics were not much different than in the Soviet Union.[93]:244 The only difference was that the Soviets preferred ‘sluggish schizophrenia’ as a diagnosis, and the Chinese generally cleaved to the diagnosis ‘paranoia’ or ‘paranoid schizophrenia’.[93]:244 However, the results were the same: long hospitalization in a mental hospital, involuntary treatment with neuroleptics, torture, abuse, all aimed at breaking the victim’s will.[93]:244
The World Psychiatric Association (WPA) attempted to confine the problem by presenting it as Falung Gong issue and, at the same time, make the impression that the members of the movement were likely not mentally sound, that it was a sect which likely brainwashed its members, etc.[93]:245 There was even a diagnosis of ‘qigong syndrome’ which was used reflecting on the exercises practiced by Falung Gong.[93]:245 It was the unfair game aiming to avoid the political abuse of psychiatry from dominating the WPA agenda.[93]:245
In August 2002, the General Assembly was to take place during the next WPA World Congress in Yokohama.[93]:247 The issue of Chinese political abuse of psychiatry had been placed as one of the final items on the agenda of the General Assembly.[93]:251 When the issue was broached during the General Assembly, the exact nature of compromise came to light.[93]:252 In order to investigate the political abuse of psychiatry, the WPA would send an investigative mission to China.[93]:252 The visit was projected for the spring of 2003 in order to assure that one could present a report during the annual meeting of the British Royal College of Psychiatrists in June/July of that year and the Annual Meeting of the American Psychiatric Association in May of the same year.[93]:252 After the 2002 World Congress, the WPA Executive Committee’s half-hearted attitude in Yokohama came to light: it was an omen of a longstanding policy of diversion and postponement.[93]:252 The 2003 investigative mission never took place, and when finally a visit to China did take place, this visit was more of scientific exchange.[93]:252 In the meantime, the political abuse of psychiatry persisted unabatedly, nevertheless the WPA did not seem to care.[...]http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Human_rights_in_the_People%27s_Republic_of_China#

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

testing the future

Monday, March 14, 2011

Live by the bear, die by the bear!

Sunday, March 13, 2011

Freeze Fukushima!

It all boils down to the greed of rich bitchnessmen. How about putting all of your dirty money in a poor pocket and get those smart japanese geniuses to build a freezing machine and stop the madness?
Come on, you're creative:
[...]Doctor Icicle (1/5/1980) - Doctor Icicle and his sidekick Frosty are kidnapping renowned scientists in order to build a super freezing machine that will freeze the sun.[...]http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mighty_Man_and_Yukk
Looks like they're just to sit and watch the world go by until the insurance companies  pay up. I remember the same scene on 9-11 and BP's oil spill. Talk about self-fulfilling prophecy! Oh please, stop trying to maintain the system, it's broke like a broken leg, freeze it! The seawater won't do!

Japan once again proves to the world that there is absolutely no safety in case of a nuclear accident no matter what reactor type you got!

Saturday, March 12, 2011

God, I pray that humanity starts to put all their efforts into the prevention of the effects of global warmongering,

into ecological farming, sustainable architecture and objective education! Amen.

Friday, March 11, 2011

I can't wait until my sister men get to know each other! In heaven!

Bwahahahar lol... Frank, Lazaro, Achmed, Andy,... 72 virgins...
Women are unable to unite a polygamist male harem of her likes under one roof.
One for the bottom, one for the top, one for the front, one for the back,...
That'd be too much work and responsibility, I suppose, not even to mention how these poor men are supposed to peacefully live together side by side without mourning their shortcomings. ah ah

Jesus' solution to marriage:

Marriage at the Resurrection
18 Then the Sadducees, who say there is no resurrection, came to him with a question.
19 Teacher, they said, Moses wrote for us that if a man's brother dies and leaves a wife but no children, the man must marry the widow and have children for his brother.
20 Now there were seven brothers. The first one married and died without leaving any children.
21 The second one married the widow, but he also died, leaving no child. It was the same with the third.
22 In fact, none of the seven left any children. Last of all, the woman died too.
23 At the resurrection whose wife will she be, since the seven were married to her?
24 Jesus replied, Are you not in error because you do not know the Scriptures or the power of God?
25 When the dead rise, they will neither marry nor be given in marriage; they will be like the angels in heaven.
26 Now about the dead rising- have you not read in the book of Moses, in the account of the bush, how God said to him, 'I am the God of Abraham, the God of Isaac, and the God of Jacob'?
27 He is not the God of the dead, but of the living. You are badly mistaken! [...]http://www.bibleserver.com/text/NIV/Mark12

Thursday, March 10, 2011

the first judgement

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Remember that thou art dust, and to dust thou shalt return. -Genesis 3:19

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Spin the wheel of fortune and see what you got!

Monday, March 7, 2011

Apep the god of solution, darkness and chaos

Sunday, March 6, 2011

Unhappy Hippos of the world unite!

Egyptian goddess of childbirth and fertility

Saturday, March 5, 2011

family facts

Friday, March 4, 2011

pandas to the rescue

Thursday, March 3, 2011

Another heart day for my monster cookies

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

The vatican belongs to the jews

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

We are at war - an interpretation of Michael's hit

We are at war

Now is the time that we take a look inside
We spot a hole where a heart should be
People celebrating,
While betraying their very best friends,
The biggest shit of all

We will go on pretending day by day
That no one, nothing can ever be changed
We are zealots of Satan’s evil club
Cause the truth , you know:
Cash is all we need

We are at war, we kill the children
We are the ho’s who sell them souls:
War profiteering
It’s a choice we’re making
We’re hating our own lives
It surely will never pay off
For me or you

Send them more troops so they know somebody’s there
Child labor will be over and out
Education gives us all the skills we need
To turn terrorist regimes around

We are at war, we kill the children
We are the ho’s who sell them souls:
War profiteering
It’s a choice we’re making
We’re hating our own lives
It surely will never pay off
For me or you

Yes, we’re sick and tired, and there’s no quick fix in sight
But we pick up ourselves from the ground once more
Oh yes, yes, yes, yes change has already been made with my hands
And yours can do just the same

We are at war, we kill the children
We are the ho’s who sell them souls:
War profiteering
It’s a choice we’re making
We’re hating our own lives
It surely will never pay off
For me or you